Perhaps even more recently, you were not even sure exactly where on the world map is this mysterious Luxembourg ...
And ... voila!
Hopefully now you are full research spirits and ready for anything new, because you will find a lot of amazing discoveries at every meter of this small but rich country. The rich - and not only because of the abundance of banks. You amaze natural splendor, a variety of arts, nationalities and originality of characters, multilingualism in the streets, the sophistication and eclectic cuisine, good traditions!
Network of Russian-speaking citizens, of which there are more than five thousand, gives a special flavor of the cultural life of Luxembourg. Almost half the population of the country - foreigners: Grand Duchy hospitably opens its doors to all who want to live here.
Dear reader, welcome to Luxembourg!
We are very pleased that the Russian-speaking community of the Grand Duchy became richer by one active, adventurous and curious person. Otherwise you would not be kept in the hands of this directory!
In the book that you have opened, we have tried to collect the most useful, relevant and practical information that will make the first few days of your stay in Luxembourg less chaotic, more meaningful and thoughtful.
Luxembourg - a very small town and the country, but these are more than a hundred countries face, and which will soon be opened in front of you tell that this country is very rich! Not only and not just financially. Luxembourg comfortable for life, to do business, to build a family, for tourism. With small size, but very successful location of the country for many years, it retains its favorable status of the European business crossroads. A multinational and open immigration policy does the Grand Duchy of home to hundreds of nationalities and cultures.
Luxembourg is truly amazing. It delights visitors and tourists, not ceases to amaze and delight of those who live here a long time. We are confident that, knowing him better, looking into all the corners, you will realize that made no mistake with the choice of coming here, in the heart of Europe - a country with ancient traditions and modern center with big ambitions.
And, perhaps most importantly, the doors of Russian organizations of Luxembourg are open for compatriots. For more information about how diverse and rich cultural and social life of the Russian-speaking com- munity, we can learn from the pages of this publication. Only a short note, that our work is very complex and touches many different areas of life. We organize charity balls and theatrical performances; set up information stands on Russian culture at public events; our children, in addition to the primary, go to additional employment ment in Russian-language schools, play sports (from tennis to gymnastics and circus skills); youth keen intellectual games (KVN, "What Where When???") ... All Russian world we veselim- Luxembourg smiling at the holidays, take part in competitions, celebrate important dates, meet, communicate, share experiences - in short, we live full , rich life.
Always waiting for you to us! Welcome to Luxembourg!
President of the Russian Club,
Chairman of the Coordinating Council
Luxembourg compatriots
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, located in the heart of Western Europe - a thriving business center. More than 40% of the population are expatriates and immigrants - a 170 different nationalities who literally form a Multicultural and Multilingual "melting pot."
In Luxembourg, the highest among the EU countries, the percentage of foreigners is not yav- lyayuschihsya come from Europe. Nearly 5,000 Russian speakers found a hospitable home here. Many of them work in Russian companies or entrepreneurs are discovering for themselves the huge potential of Luxembourg as a central link, through which open access to European and international markets. On the decision prie- uate the country affected excellent reputation and financial support for the business environment, as well as the growing political ties and business relations between Russia and Luxembourg.
Russian community in Luxembourg includes a number of associations and has been very active. Under the auspices of the Russian Club held set of initiatives aimed at facilitating newcomers life. One of them - the second edition of the brochure in Russian "Welcome to Luxembourg!", Which I am pleased to hold in their hands. This is a practical guide to daily life in Luxembourg contains the most important addresses, information about the main state institutions, significant dates and festivals of the country.
I warmly congratulate the initiators of this project, of course, the guide promotes the strengthening of friendly relations between the Russian Federation and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Russian club again proved that he is an example of the real development of the friendship between the two countries.
I warmly welcome our new Russian-speaking friends, adopted decision to settle in Luxembourg - a country with a high level and good quality of life, a developed economic and transport infra- structure, cultural diversity and a wide range of international schools for foreign children.
Vice-Prime Minister,
Minister of Economics